Prusa MK4 3D Printer, Out Now, Follows Up Best in the Business

What’s going on?

Prusa Research is a top 3D printer manufacturer and has just announced the MK4, its latest update to the popular Original Prusa range.

Why it matters

Prusa MK3 was a 3D printer that has stood out for many years. Prusa hopes to improve its flagship model with the new upgrade.

What’s next?

The Prusa MK4 can be ordered fully assembled for $1099 or you can wait for it to ship for $799 over the next few weeks.

Prusa Research launched Wednesday the Prusa Research Original Prusa MK4. Based on the same design of its MK3S Plus — a frequent choice as the The best 3D printer This new version is available on many websites. 

The MK4 is a smaller version of the MK3, but there are many improvements to its shape. Although many of the details are technical, the most important points can be found below. These upgrades have resulted in a printer that prints precise and detailed prints three times faster then the previous generation.

  • “Input shaper and Pressure Advance” firmware updates allow for faster print speeds
  • Hardware upgrades for faster support and quality changes
  • Fast-swappable hot ends to let you use different size nozzles quickly
  • Nextruder extruder system 
  • 32-bit mainboard that allows Wi-Fi or Ethernet connections
  • With model preview, upgraded color LCD
  • Fully automated bed leveling to improve the first layer
  • Add-on Multimaterial Unit Available 

Prusa has earned a reputation for being a leader within the open-source 3D printer community. The MK4 will carry on that tradition and allow users to make changes to the machine as they wish over the next few years. You can also upgrade your Prusa MK3 or MK3.9 to the MK4 and get nearly all of the MK4 features starting at $250.

Prusa XL was announced last year by Prusa, but many units have not yet shipped. This is why Prusa has offered to make the switch. Preorders of Prusa XL If you prefer the smaller machine, the MK4 is the best choice.

Original Prusa MK4 The MK4 kit will be available in the next few weeks. If you are looking to upgrade your MK3S Plus, the upgrade kit can be ordered now.

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